3 Tips For Boarding Your Dog For Summer Vacation
When you make your plans for your summer vacation, make sure that you include plans for your dog as well. Here are a few tips that will help you out with making boarding plans for your dog.
#1 Schedule In Advance
Keep in mind that plenty of people have the same idea as you right now, and are planning vacations and making plans to board their dogs. Summer is a busy time for dog kennels, so if you want to ensure that your dog has a place to go while you are on vacation, then you are going to want to call the kennel and reserve a spot for your dog as far in advance as possible. In fact, you may want to check with weeks the local kennel has space for your dog before making all of your reservations. You don't want to pay for an entire trip only to learn that you don't have anywhere for your dog to go.
Keep in mind that if you have an early morning flight, you may want to drop your dog off the night before so you are not stressing with getting your dog and yourself ready for your trip in the morning.
#2 Get A Health Check
Most kennels require that your dog be healthy in order to be boarded at their facility. They may require that you provide them with a letter from your vet that shows that your dog has the right vaccinations in order to stay at the kennel. Find out what the health requirements are for the kennel where you want to board your dog, and then make plans to see your vet if you discover that your dog is missing any vaccinations or health checks that it needs in order to stay at the kennel while you are on vacation. Take care of this right away so you are not rushing to get an appointment with your vet before you head off on vacation.
#3 Pack-Up
Remember to set aside some time in the days before your trip to pack up things for your dog. You are going to need to purchase enough dog food and treats for the length of your pet's stay at the kennel. You should also make a checklist of everything that you need to get together before you take your dog to the kennel. This will ensure that you can easily grab everything and check it off your list right before you head out to the kennel. Finally, be sure to pack your dog's favorite bedding, toys and food bowls. Providing comforts from home will make the trip more enjoyable for your dog.
Click here for a great kennel: New Beginnings K9 Training, LLC